Senior Citizens of Humboldt County, Inc.
Seniors 60 years and older can enjoy a delicious home cooked meal Monday-Friday for a suggested donation of $4.00 per meal with a registraion ($10.00 without registration). Under 60? You can enjoy lunch for $10.00. We serve soup daily at 11am and Lunch is served at NOON.
Come and join the fun!!!
Public Transportation Services
We Provide Transportation for anyone in the Humboldt County Area. All Paratransit buses are ADA approved handicapped accessible.
Did you hear….
The Pleasant Senior Center is expanding our Homebound Delivery Service area!!! We will be offering Medically Homebound Seniors delivered meals as far as Delany (out 95) and Wagon wheel Subdivision, ALSO out Grass Valley toward the County line.
YOU MUST QUALIFY through an in home assessmentPlease call our office for more information.
Pleasant Senior Center 1480 Lay St.
Winnemucca, NV 89445
Open M-F 8a-4p
Come See Us!!!
We have so much fun here at the Senior Center! Come by and get our activity calendar and monthly newsletter. You can also follow us on Facebook.
What’s happening at the Senior Center this Month?
We are always trying to improve the quality of life of our local Seniors, this is a great way to get involved!
Our Board of trustees
Meet our 2025-2026 Board of Trustees
Tim M.-Chairman, Lynn Lehman- Vice Chairman, Charlie Baringer- Treasurer, Kate Fries- Secretary, Julie Lynn, Jerry Ann Fenkell, Christine Brande, and Mary Lou Curti
Feel free to contact us with any questions.
(775) 623-6211